UPDATE (8/6/24 11:00 a.m.): The Mecosta County Sheriff's office announced Monday, August 5 that 13-year-old Ella McGuire has been found safe. According to police, McGuire was found in Spanaway, Washington. They say that a 36-year-old man who is believed to have transported McGuire from Mecosta County to Spanaway is currently in custody.

ORIGINAL STORY: The Mecosta County Sheriff's Department is asking for the public's help in finding a missing 13-year-old girl.

Police say that the teen, Ella Mcguire, was last seen leaving her home in Paris, Michigan, on Wednesday, July 31, 2024, at around 8:30 a.m. and they believe that she could be with an "unknown adult male". Police currently consider her to be a runaway.

Courtesy of the Mecosta County Sheriff's Department
Courtesy of the Mecosta County Sheriff's Department

Ella is described as being approximately 5'5" tall and 160 lbs. She has blue eyes and at the time she left her home she had light reddish/pink hair. She was last seen wearing a black long-sleeved t-shirt with a green American flag on it, black ripped jeans that had holes in the knees, and black Converse tennis shoes. She may also be carrying a black bag with white stripes and pink buckles.

Anyone who has seen Ella or has any information about her whereabouts is asked to contact the Mecosta County Sheriff's Office at 231-592-0150 or Meceola Central Dispatch at 231-796-4811.

Have You Seen Them? These 22 Michigan Kids Are Missing In 2024

These 22 kids are missing as of January 1st, 2023 here in the state of Michigan. As of January 1st, 2024, there are six kids here in Michigan that are currently missing. If you recognize or have seen any of the following children, please reach out to your local police department, or you can submit a tip here where you have seen any of the following kids.

If you recognize any of the children below, you are urged to call 911 or 1-800-843-5678,(1-800-THE-LOST).