It seems as if we are hearing about more house fires lately. Some, sadly, intentionally set, but many are happening due to neglect to safety precautions.

We all need to be careful to keep our homes and our families safe.


So firefighters are reminding all of us about some of the dangerous potential fire hazards in our homes.

The key here, local Fire Departments and the American Red Cross point out, is overloaded outlets and extension cords.

Overcrowded power board
davidmariuz/Getty Images

The Red Cross says check all your appliance and electronic cords. They have to plug in somewhere, right, so your outlets should be next on your home inspection list.

Are any overloaded or showing signs of wear? Then rearrange things so as many appliances as possible have their own outlets, and use extension cords to reach more distant outlets.

Faulty Burned Electrical Outlet
Kiyyah/Getty Images

It's really been cold this winter and maybe you have used a space heater. Remember, never plug it in to a power strip. It should go directly to a grounded outlet.

Paul Minami on Unsplash
Paul Minami on Unsplash

Also, try not to run extension cords under rugs.

Another thing is to make sure your lamps are all using bulbs with wattage equal to or less than what the manufacturer recommends as well.

When it comes to electronics, unplug them when they’re not in use whenever possible.

Lastly, keep in mind that items like televisions and computers need space from anything flammable because they can overheat!

One final you have an escape plan?

It's one of those thing no one wants to think about, but we all need to have a plan in case of an emergency. Firefighters and the Red Cross say you should have two ways to escape a room, a door, or window, and try to practice your plan twice a year so everyone understands the plan.

Believe me, I'm checking my home right now!

Please be safe!

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Gallery Credit: Isabel Sepulveda