Grand Rapids residents love a good mystery!

After driving along Alpine Avenue, I discovered something new is being built next to the Steak 'n Shake.

Google StreetView
Google StreetView

That made me wanted what could be added since there is already so many shops and restaurants on Alpine Ave.

⬇️ SCROLL TO SEE: Restaurants that Grand Rapids Desperately Wants To Return in 2025 ⬇️

Alpine Ave Construction Guesses

This new construction has become the latest town enigma. While no official announcement has been made, that has not stopped Grand Rapids locals from sharing their best - sometimes hilariously weird - guesses.

This guessing game has created a heated conversation on the Grand Rapids Informed Facebook group.

Canva | Google StreetView
Canva | Google StreetView

Ranging from outlandish to realistic, several guesses will have you agreeing or simply shaking your head.

While many are begging for popular chains that we have been wanting here, several are simply quirky.

Here are a few of the guesses:

  • A new titty bar (because apparently, there is always a demand for more)
  • Whataburger (this would be amazing)
  • Another Parkway Tropics (one is simply not enough, clearly!)
  • Animal Vet Clinic (save the animals at all costs)
  • Golden Corral (as a buffet lover, I can get down with this)
  • Something no one wants (which is extremely possible)
  • Strip club (another vote for a lucrative business)
  • Car Wash (with the number of car washes on Alpine already, I doubt it)
  • Grand Rapids Fishery (since I cannot eat seafood, I humbly veto)
  • "Wake and Bake" (a nice breakfast and cannabis vibe - count me in)
  • Pot shop and fireworks store (that's Michigan for you - weed and fireworks)

While there are many guesses, one thing is for certain - Grand Rapids residents are ready to know what is going to be next to Steak 'n Shake.

What do you think is coming to Alpine Avenue?

Restaurants that Grand Rapids Desperately Wants To Return in 2025

Gallery Credit: Laura Hardy