A Look Back: A Grand Rapids Weather Forecast on TV-13 from 1966A Look Back: A Grand Rapids Weather Forecast on TV-13 from 1966The way that the weather forecast is presented to us is so different from what it was back in the mid 60s!Scott WintersScott Winters
Val Lego Announces Departure from WZZM TV-13 in Grand RapidsVal Lego Announces Departure from WZZM TV-13 in Grand RapidsYou've watched her for 17 years on 13 On Your Side. On Tuesday, Val Lego made a surprising Facebook announcement...She is leaving WZZM TV-13.Scott WintersScott Winters
Val Lego Announces Departure from WZZM TV-13 in Grand RapidsVal Lego Announces Departure from WZZM TV-13 in Grand RapidsYou've watched her for 17 years on 13 On Your Side. On Tuesday, Val Lego made a surprising Facebook announcement...She is leaving WZZM TV-13.Scott WintersScott Winters
A Look Back at a Grand Rapids TV Show: Pepsi Dance TraxA Look Back at a Grand Rapids TV Show: Pepsi Dance TraxThere have been several TV shows with music and dancing. Did you know that Grand Rapids had similar shows locally produced for West Michigan viewers?Scott WintersScott Winters